You Deserve Something New...


I pride myself on my passion-filled lifestyle, but the reality is on most days I find myself falling into autopilot. We all do it, often without even feeling the down shift. 

BUT, become aware of when you default to repetitive behavior and you can turn it into an opportunity to make a small change that has a big impact on your day. 

This may sound a little out there, but hear me out: I once wore a pair of new underwear that was a gift from a friend. It was super lacy, bright and had a bow on it—not my typical go-to. Saying yes when I had always said no made me feel adventurous and more open to things. It inspired me to take on more mini adventures throughout my day. I took a yoga class I’d never tried before. I ordered a fruity tea instead of an afternoon coffee. To my surprise, I ended up loving both.


Now you try it. Do something as simple as wearing a sundress instead of sweats today or signing up for an online class that’s new to you! Then watch how it shifts your mindset and raises your game!


When you are chipping through your day, you’ll be happier and more confident—I want you to use that energy in the rest of your week! Crush your work meetings. Make that happy-hour with friends finally happen. Dream big. 



Going out of your comfort zone wasn’t so bad, was it? You probably also get in the habit of cooking the same things at home and ordering your favorites when you’re eating out. Rather than try to cook a totally new dish, experiment with spices you haven’t used before or try a new side dish at a restaurant. Experiencing new tastes can expand your knowledge on new foods that you like and new ways to prepare old favorites, making you aware that there’s so much out there.

Jen Widerstrom, Founder

P.S. Remember that no matter what you're going through right now, you don't have to do it alone! There are others like you in our community, where we interact on a daily basis, fight our demons, share our victories, and watch over each other as friends and accountability partners.

Together we are FÖRENA - a health & fitness community for women like you where we focus not only on our physical health but also mind, soul, relationships, and overall well-being. Become one of us now with FREE 1-month membership, and let us witness your growth! 🌱


BRAIN FOODJulie Ostrow