You would never leave the house with your shoes untied. Sure it’s possible to walk gingerly, but there's a good chance you'd trip. This same idea applies to the rest of your life.

Think about what's tripping you up right now.

The relationships, the situations where you have loose ends, and how they're impacting all your decisions, interactions and experiences. For example, are you having the same argument over and over again with your partner or spouse? Do you always have the same negative thought when you look in the mirror? Is it the same decision you make around food or sugar when you’re sad? Stumbling over the same emotional setbacks repeatedly without addressing them is like having an untied shoelace while you’re walking down the street—you see it untied, you don't make the effort to stop, tie it, double knot it… instead, you just keep going but there’s a good chance you’ll fall down. 

Photo by Jakob Owens

When you’re able to finally “tie off” these issues, and put a bow on them you can begin to move forward with confidence. This is my reminder to tie that shoelace, because the suffering and regret and frustration…the, “how am I here again?” “How am I having this argument again?”…it's because maybe you haven't addressed the underlying issue. In other words, your shoelaces are still untied. 

If something in your life is tripping you up, I want you to stop, slow down, and take a knee. Look at what is going on in your head. Don't point the finger at anyone else, but look at where you are and figure out how you feel. 

How can you investigate this feeling? Where does it come from? What support structures are lacking? Take the emotion and the drama away from the fact that you've tripped on that same issue a dozen times. Do this and you’ll hit your stride. 

–Jen Widerstrom, Founder

P.S. Remember that no matter what you're going through right now, you don't have to do it alone! There are others like you in our community, where we interact on a daily basis, fight our demons, share our victories, and watch over each other as friends and accountability partners.

Together we are FÖRENA - a health & fitness community for women like you where we focus not only on our physical health but also mind, soul, relationships, and overall well-being. Become one of us now with FREE 1-month membership, and let us witness your growth! 🌱


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BRAIN FOODJulie Ostrow