Why Your Motivation Plan Isn’t Working!
Forget the past and find your new daily max!
Many of us fall into the trap of setting high expectations of what our workouts need to look and feel like in order for them to be effective. Therefore when we fall short of those guidelines we either:
A). Stop ourselves before we start because we don’t have the energy, time, focus, (fill in your rebuttal here!), etc to match the expectation.
B). Get yourself going but are in a constant comparison of what was and what is, and become buried in a one-sided argument that leaves you feeling defeated and worthless, even after completing the workout.
Photo by Mulyadi
Instead, I want you to motivate yourself by being real and asking, “Where is my body at today?”
Maybe you’re sore or emotionally run down or simply dragging, and that’s FINE — it just means you can transition more slowly, pick a lighter set of weights than usual and hit a few less reps. BIG DEAL. You know darn well that moving at any intensity is better than not moving at all… especially when you remove your own personal judgement and allow yourself the grace to be where you are today.
-Jen Widerstrom, Founder
P.S. Remember that no matter what you're going through right now, you don't have to do it alone! There are others like you in our community, where we interact on a daily basis, fight our demons, share our victories, and watch over each other as friends and accountability partners.
Together we are FÖRENA - a health & fitness community for women like you where we focus not only on our physical health but also mind, soul, relationships, and overall well-being. Become one of us now with FREE 1-month membership, and let us witness your growth! 🌱